JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Pituitary Extract - Human

IncludesAdrenocorticotrophic Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Gonadotrophin, Growth Hormone, Luteinising Hormone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
ObligatoryMust not donate if:
Has ever received injection(s) of Human Pituitary Extract.
See if RelevantGrowth Hormone
Prion Associated Diseases
Additional InformationHuman Pituitary Extracts have been contaminated with abnormal prions and have led to the spread of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). They have been used to treat growth hormone deficiency and infertility. They have also been used in diagnostic tests to see if other endocrine glands such as the thyroid and adrenal work normally. They have not been used in the UK since 1985 and it is thought that all those exposed to these extracts have been notified of their increased risk of CJD. It is uncertain as to when their use stopped in other countries.

Donors that have been given only synthetic pituitary hormones or gonadotrophin made from urine may be accepted.
Reason for ChangeAdditional information has been added for clarity.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-BM Edition 203, Release 02