JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Smoking Cessation

IncludesBupropion (Amfebutamone®, Zyban®), nicotine replacement therapy (Nicorette®, Nicotinell®, NiQuitin®) and varenicline (Champix®).
ObligatoryMust not donate if:
Experiencing symptoms related to treatment.
DiscretionaryDonors using nicotine replacement therapy (patches, sprays etc), bupropion (Amfebutamone®, Zyban®) or varenicline (Champix®), if well, accept.
See if RelevantComplementary Therapy (includes acupuncture)
Additional InformationAnti-smoking treatments can cause dizziness and nausea. Taking a donation from people who are affected, may make these symptoms worse.
Reason for changeVarenicline (Champix®) has been added to the list of anti-smoking treatments.
Donor InformationIf you wish to obtain more information regarding a personal medical issue please contact your National Help Line.

Please do not contact this web site for personal medical queries, as we are not in a position to provide individual answers.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in:
DSG-WB Edition 203, Release 01.